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Showing posts from July, 2016


Haha, do you guys like the edit I made? I think pikachu is pretty excited for the Korea Pokemon-Go Release! So along with my video, I wanted to go in more detail about it. So current, Korea does not have Pokemon-Go. If you are confused on some of this background information, I suggest you take a look at my video, which covers some of the main points. Along with that, let's get into detail. So in the video, I mention how Google isn't allowed to use GPS in Korea unless authorized to, right? This also goes hand-in-hand with the reason all your foreigner friends say, "USE NAVER!! IT'S BETTER!!!!" as if I would still betray my beloved Google maps.. I'm going to use this image below to help show you all the restrictions clearly, since it's a bit confusing.. If you have been to Korea, this explains a lot, right? Well this is because the South Korean government does not want North Korea having access to maps from South Korea. The GPS signal from Google