Haha, do you guys like the edit I made? I think pikachu is pretty excited for the Korea Pokemon-Go Release! So along with my video, I wanted to go in more detail about it. So current, Korea does not have Pokemon-Go. If you are confused on some of this background information, I suggest you take a look at my video, which covers some of the main points. Along with that, let's get into detail. So in the video, I mention how Google isn't allowed to use GPS in Korea unless authorized to, right? This also goes hand-in-hand with the reason all your foreigner friends say, "USE NAVER!! IT'S BETTER!!!!" as if I would still betray my beloved Google maps.. I'm going to use this image below to help show you all the restrictions clearly, since it's a bit confusing.. If you have been to Korea, this explains a lot, right? Well this is because the South Korean government does not want North Korea having access to maps from South Korea. The GPS signal from Google
Wow a blog post?!?!? Well, my video wasn't really helpful I felt and didn't give a lot of information. I decided to write more on it since I was invited to this event to help share it with others! It was really a lot of fun. I was really overwhelmed in my video so I don't think I seemed as excited as I was- Haha! So what was this event? It was in support of the re-unification of North and South Korea. They had samples of food made in North Korea, Games, Activities, etc.. Some of the booths were really creative and they had lots of stuff to look at too! If you are in Korea, whether you support the unification or not, it was pretty educational and fun! The people there were so kind and welcoming even though there wasn't much English (which wasn't a big deal but sometimes it's hard to understand the booths if you don't speak any, but don't let that keep you from going :D )